
To review pharmacy licence applications that have been referred to the committee and determine whether to issue, renew or reinstate a licence with or without conditions.


John Beever (Chair)
Derek Lee (Vice-Chair)
Doreen Leong (staff resource)
Christine Antler
Neil Bruan
George Budd (until April 30, 2020)
Dianne Cunningham
Natasha Edgar (effective May 1, 2020)
Kris Gustavson
Trevor Hoff
Jennifa James (effective May 1, 2020)
Jasdeep Johal (effective May 1, 2020)
Robert Lewis
Kevin Ly (until April 30, 2020)
Lysa Leong (effective May 1, 2020)
Sarah Masson (effective May 1, 2020)
Nima Moazen
John (Curtis) Omelchuk (effective May 1, 2020)
Surbhi Singh (until April 30, 2020)
Katie Skelton
Justin Thind (until April 30, 2020)
Sorell Wellon
Mark Zhuo
Number of meetings: 20 videoconferences

Accomplishments of the Year

  • Conducted an overall review of eligibility case files and incomplete pharmacy files.
  • Drafted and revised communication materials for licensure processes – Pharmacy Licensure Guide, ReadLinks articles, webpages and correspondence.
  • Pharmacy applications referred to the AC:
    • 10 pharmacy files related to eligibility criteria.
    • 31 pharmacy files were incomplete/late


Goals for Next Fiscal Year

  • Annual in-person/virtual meeting/orientation/training to review Application Committee decisions, administrative law and decision making including applying conditions to a pharmacy licence.
  • Annual review and revision of all communication materials including FAQs, Pharmacy Licensure Guide, licensure pages on College website and correspondence letters/emails.

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