2015/16 Annual Report
Chair's Message
Dear colleagues,
I am honoured to serve as the new Board Chair for the College of Pharmacists of BC effective November 2015. Some of you may recognize me as the previous Board Vice-Chair. I am excited to continue to represent District 4 – Kootenay/Okanagan at the Board table.
I would first like to thank the outgoing Board Chair and current Vice-Chair, Anar Dossa, for her work leading the Board over the past year. I would also like to thank outgoing Board members Oswald Chu, John Shaske, Bob Craigue, and Aleisha Enemark. On behalf of the Board, thank you for your contributions.
The Board welcomed Mona Kwong, Frank Lucarelli, Tara Oxford, and Arden Barry at the November Board meeting. We appreciate the fresh perspectives and look forward to continuing our work together.
The College has been busy tackling some major projects this year, from launching DrugSafeBC, the public awareness campaign to promote new pharmacy security measures in community pharmacies, to completing the transition pathway for current pharmacy assistants to become regulated pharmacy technicians. Looking ahead, the College will be looking to you to engage on the Certified Pharmacists Prescriber Initiative.
In addition, the College is getting ready to introduce the Practice Review Program in hospital pharmacies. The Practice Review Program just finished its first year in community pharmacies in January 2016. We are seeing some great practice from all corners of the province, and we hope that our results are just as promising in the hospital setting.
I would lastly like to acknowledge the many dedicated pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and public representatives who volunteer their time on the College committees. Committees do important work, as they steer many of the College’s efforts. Thank you for your commitment to the pharmacy profession.
On behalf of the Board, I present the College of Pharmacists of BC’s 2015/16 Annual Report.
Blake Reynolds, Chair