New reporting requirements for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) are now in effect, making the Ministry of Health the designated recipient of all reportable information from pharmacists, physicians and nurse practitioners . See them here:
— BC Pharmacists (@BCPharmacists) November 1, 2018
On November 1, 2018, new reporting requirements for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) came into effect. The new Federal regulations and Provincial requirements identify the reporting requirements for pharmacists, physicians, and nurse practitioners.
Amendments to the College’s Standards Limits and Conditions for MAiD to reflect the new Federal and Provincial reporting requirements also came into effect at the same time.
In BC, pharmacists who dispense drugs for the purposes of MAiD are now required to submit both federally and provincially required information to the Ministry of Health within 6 business days after the scheduled date of MAiD Protocol.
While previously the responsibility of the BC Coroners Service, the Ministry of Health became the designated recipient of all reportable information from pharmacists, physicians and nurse practitioners.
Pharmacists who dispense drugs for the purposes of MAiD are now required to complete and submit the Ministry of Health’s designated Dispensing Record (Pharmacist) form, which collects all the information necessary for prescription accountability and meeting the Federal and Provincial MAiD reporting requirements. The College worked closely with the Ministry of Health, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, the BC College of Nursing Professionals and Health Authorities to provide input into the development of the new MAiD reporting process; amend the College’s Standards Limits and Conditions for MAiD; and help communicate the changes to registrants.
To learn more about MAiD and the new reporting requirements, see: