To ensure that registrants meet the conditions or requirements for registration as a Member of the College.
Maen Obeidat (Chair, effective November 24, 2018)
Dana Elliot (Vice-Chair)
Doreen Leong (staff resource)
Sukjiven Gill
Avena Guppy
Tracey Hagkull (from November 23, 2018 - February 15, 2019)
Michelle Ho Chung
Derek Lee
Vanessa Lee
Charles Park
Mikolaj Piekarski
Katie Skelton
Lorraine Unruh
Number of Meetings
Number of In-Person Meetings: 2
Number of Teleconferences: 3
Accomplishments of the Year
- Reviewed and approved key policies, processes and exam results
- Updated all webpages and content for pre-registration and registration categories
- Launched online tracking for phone queries to update web content
- Developed tracking system for types of application files referred to the Registration Committee and the decisions made
- Applications reviewed whereby applicant had issues related to the statutory declaration:
- Pharmacist Reinstatement Application, less than 6 years in Non-practising or former pharmacist register (N=2)
- Pharmacist Pre-registration – Canadian Free Trade Agreement application (N=5)
- UBC Pharmacy Student Pre-registration Application (N=2)
- Other application reviewed:
- Pharmacist Jurisprudence Exam – Exam accommodation (N=1)
- Pharmacist Pre-Registration Application – International Pharmacy Graduate – Extension of validity period of the Structured Practical Training (N=1)
Goals for Next Fiscal Year
- Annual review of all registration policies
- Review and recommend bylaw changes related to pre-registration and registration requirements, and number of assessment attempts
- Launch online pre-registration process for all other registration categories
- Review and revise FAQs on College website