To ensure that registrants are competent to practice and to promote high practice standards amongst registrants.
Frank Lucarelli (Chair)
Gary Jung (Vice-Chair)
Ashifa Keshavji (staff resource)
Hani Al-Tabbaa
Tessa Cheng
Baldeep Dhillon
Sukhvir Gidda
Tracey Hagkull
Rebecca Siah
Man Fung
Allen Wu
Number of Meetings: 3
Accomplishments of the Year
- Launched the PDAP Mobile application
- CE Audits
- Developed structure, process, criteria and tools
- Initiated CE Audits
- Reviewed and provided feedback on program policies
- Reviewed and provided feedback on registrant feedback survey
Goals for Next Fiscal Year
- Conduct CE Audits; review and monitor results
- Update program policies
- Update registrant feedback survey
- Determine if a registrant learning needs survey is required based on Board direction