To ensure that the Jurisprudence Examination continues as a valid and reliable assessment instrument.
Christopher Szeman (Chair)
Tony Seet (Vice-Chair)
Doreen Leong (staff resource)
Angel Cao
Melanie Johnson
Brian Kim
Kent Ling
Ali Ladak
Asal Taheri
David Wang
Number of Meetings: 3
Accomplishments of the Year
- Reviewed and approved key policies, processes, exam results and item statistical data reviewed.
- Develop project plan and timelines for reviewing Jurisprudence Exam blueprint, item writing, item review and standards setting.
Goals for Next Fiscal Year
- Annual review of all Jurisprudence Exam policies and Jurisprudence Exam Information Guide.
- Implement project plan for revised Jurisprudence Exam forms.
- Source out new item bank and scanner