2014/15 Annual Report

Complaints Resolution Statistics

Complaints Resolution Statistics –Received between March 1, 2014 and February 28, 2015

718Complaints Received
Total Complaints Received  718
Formal Complaints 80
Informal Complaints 638
Registrants Involved in Formal Complaints 110
Complaints reviewed by the Health Professions Review Board   3


Complaints Recorded by Type  (Some complaints may have more than one type)
Medication Related 36
Privacy/Confidentiality 3
Professional Conduct/Competency 43
Fitness of Practice  2
Business-Related 1
Suspected Unlawful Activity 2
Sexual Misconduct 0


 Dispositions and Complaints
 Total Presented to Inquiry Committee 154
 Total new files reviewed 114
Total reconsiderations* 40*
Active/Pending**              63**
Disposed and Closed 82
Disposed and Monitoring 6


* Some files have been reconsidered more than once.
**21 files were carried over from previous fiscal year

1Discipline Committee Hearings
61Inquiry Committee Meetings